make glitter or gleam or shine

  • 31figure — Synonyms and related words: Aristotelian sorites, Establishment, Goclenian sorites, Platonic body, Platonic form, Platonic idea, VIP, accept, acclaim, acknowledge, act, acute angled triangle, add, adornment, adumbrate, advert to, aesthetic form,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 32illuminate — v 1. light up, light, lighten, brighten; illumine, Archaic. illume, Obs. enlumine; irradiate, radiate, cast light upon, shine, beam, stream; make flare or flame, burn, glow, incandesce, phosphoresce; shimmer, sparkle, scintillate, glitter, gleam; …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 33flourish — Synonyms and related words: acciaccatura, adjunct, adorn, adornment, advertise, affect, air, amplify, appoggiatura, arabesque, arrangement, arrive, asiaticism, augment, batten, be energetic, be somebody, be something, be vigorous, bear fruit,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 34blink — I. n. 1. Glance, glimpse, sight, view, wink. 2. Glimmer, gleam, sheen, shimmer, twinkle. II. v. n. 1. Wink, nictitate, nictate, see obscurely. 2. Flicker, flutter, intermit, shine fitfully, twinkle, glitter, gleam. III. v. a. Overlook ( …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 35sparkle — Synonyms and related words: animation, be brilliant, be merry with, beam, blaze, blink, blinking, blubber, boil, boil over, boiling, brightness, brilliance, bubble, bubble over, bubble up, bubbliness, bubbling, burble, burn, caper, caracole,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 36live — Synonyms and related words: Be, abide, ablaze, aboveground, active, activist, activistic, actual, afire, aflame, aflicker, aglow, alight, alive, alive and kicking, among the living, animate, animated, ardent, be, be alive, be animate, be extant,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 37irradiate — v 1. illuminate, light up, light, brighten; illumine, Archaic. illume; cast light upon, shine, beam; shimmer, sparkle, scintillate, glitter, gleam, coruscate; make resplendent or illustrious. 2. enlighten, inform, make aware, give insight to;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 38scintillate — v spark, flare, flash; gleam, glare, effulge, fulgurate, coruscate; flame, blaze, burn, conflagrate; streak, stream, beam; glitter, glimmer, glisten, Archaic. glister, glint; shimmer, shine, flicker, sparkle, twinkle; waver, dance, flutter,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 39twin´kler — twin|kle «TWIHNG kuhl», verb, kled, kling, noun. –v.i. 1. to shine with quick little gleams; sparkle; glitter: »The stars twinkled. His eyes twinkled when he laughed. SYNONYM(S): scintillate. 2. to move quickly, especially up and down, to and fro …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 40twin|kle — «TWIHNG kuhl», verb, kled, kling, noun. –v.i. 1. to shine with quick little gleams; sparkle; glitter: »The stars twinkled. His eyes twinkled when he laughed. SYNONYM(S): scintillate. 2. to move quickly, especially up and down, to and fro, or in… …

    Useful english dictionary