of great weight

  • 1of great weight — index important (significant) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2weight — [wāt] n. [ME weiht, altered (infl. by weien, WEIGH1) < OE wiht < wegan: see WEIGH1] 1. a portion or quantity weighing a definite or specified amount [ten pounds weight of lead] 2. a) heaviness as a quality of things …

    English World dictionary

  • 3weight — ► NOUN 1) a body s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; heaviness. 2) Physics the force exerted on the mass of a body by a gravitational field. 3) the quality of being heavy. 4) a unit or… …

    English terms dictionary

  • 4weight — [[t]we͟ɪt[/t]] ♦♦ weights, weighting, weighted 1) N VAR: oft amount in N, with poss, N of amount The weight of a person or thing is how heavy they are, measured in units such as kilograms, pounds, or tons. What is your height and weight?... This… …

    English dictionary

  • 5Weight loss resort — A weight loss resort is a word for various spas, resorts and retreats offering weight loss programs for adults. A pejorative term, perhaps more widely used, is fat farm.HistoryWeight loss camps have existed in the United States in large numbers… …


  • 6weight — weighter, n. /wayt/, n. 1. the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs. 2. Physics. the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity: commonly taken, in a… …


  • 7weight — weight1 W2S1 [weıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(amount somebody/something weighs)¦ 2¦(how fat)¦ 3¦(heaviness)¦ 4¦(heavy thing)¦ 5¦(worry)¦ 6¦(importance)¦ 7¦(amount)¦ 8¦(for measuring quantities)¦ 9¦(for sport)¦ 10 throw your wei …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 8weight — 1 /weIt/ noun 1 WHAT SB/STH WEIGHS (C, U) how heavy something is when measured by a particular system: The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds. 2 HOW FAT (U) how heavy and especially how fat someone is: A lot of teenage… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 9weight — /weɪt / (say wayt) noun 1. amount of heaviness; amount a thing weighs. 2. the force which gravitation exerts upon a material body, varying with altitude and latitude. It is often taken as a measure of the mass, which does not vary, and is equal… …

  • 10weight — [[t]weɪt[/t]] n. 1) wam the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs 2) phs the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity 3) wam a system of units for… …

    From formal English to slang