over and above that

  • 81Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics — A computer generated, simplified model of bike and rider demonstrating an uncontrolled right turn. An …


  • 82Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology       Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… …


  • 83Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations timeline — The Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda timeline below list allegations of meetings, all but one now discounted, denied or disproven by the United States Government, between al Qaeda members and members of Saddam Hussein s government, as well as other… …


  • 84Stars and planetary systems in fiction — The planetary systems of stars other than the Sun and the Solar System are a staple element in much science fiction. Contents 1 Overview 1.1 The brightest stars …


  • 85art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… …


  • 86Architecture and Civil Engineering — ▪ 2009 Introduction Architecture       For Notable Civil Engineering Projects in work or completed in 2008, see Table (Notable Civil Engineering Projects (in work or completed, 2008)).        Beijing was the centre of the world of architecture… …


  • 87Archaeology of the Cross and Crucifix —     Archæology of the Cross and Crucifix     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Archæology of the Cross and Crucifix     I. PRIMITIVE CRUCIFORM SIGNS     The sign of the cross, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles,… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 88Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer.       The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… …


  • 89art and architecture, Oceanic — ▪ visual arts Introduction       the visual art (art) and architecture of native Oceania, including media such as sculpture, pottery, rock art, basketry, masks, painting, and personal decoration. In these cultures, art and architecture have often …


  • 90harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled  harbor        any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… …
