petrify with fear

  • 1petrify — ► VERB (petrifies, petrified) 1) change (organic matter) into stone by encrusting or replacing its original substance with a mineral deposit. 2) paralyse with fear. 3) deprive of vitality. DERIVATIVES petrifaction noun petrification noun …

    English terms dictionary

  • 2petrify — [pe′trə fī΄] vt. petrified, petrifying [Fr pétrifier < L petra, stone, rock (< Gr) + ficare, FY] 1. to replace the normal cells of (organic matter) with silica or other mineral deposits; re form as a stony substance 2. to make rigid,… …

    English World dictionary

  • 3petrify — 1590s, from M.Fr. pétrifier to make or become stone, from L. petra rock + ficare, from facere to make, do (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)). Metaphoric sense of paralyze with fear or shock first recorded 1771 …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 4fear — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Anticipation of misfortune Nouns 1. fear, fearfulness, phobia; timidity, timorousness, diffidence; solicitude, anxiety, worry, care, apprehension; apprehensiveness, misgiving, mistrust, doubt, suspicion …

    English dictionary for students

  • 5petrify — verb ( fied; fying) Etymology: Middle French petrifier, from petr + ifier ify Date: 1594 transitive verb 1. to convert (organic matter) into stone or a substance of stony hardness by the infiltration of water and the deposition of dissolved… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 6petrify — petrifiable, adj. petrificant /pi trif i keuhnt/, adj. petrifier, n. /pe treuh fuy /, v., petrified, petrifying. v.t. 1. to convert into stone or a stony substance. 2. to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, or other strong emotion: I… …


  • 7petrify — verb (petrifies, petrifying, petrified) 1》 [often as adjective petrified] paralyse with fear. 2》 change (organic matter) into stone by encrusting or replacing its original substance with a mineral deposit. 3》 deprive or become deprived of… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 8petrify — pet·ri·fy || petrɪfaɪ v. make into stone; turn into stone; stiffen, make hard; paralyze with fear …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 9petrify — v. ( ies, ied) 1 tr. paralyse with fear, astonishment, etc. 2 tr. change (organic matter) into a stony substance. 3 intr. become like stone. 4 tr. deprive (the mind, a doctrine, etc.) of vitality; deaden. Etymology: F peacutetrifier f. med.L… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10Fear — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Fear >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 fear fear timidity diffidence want of confidence Sgm: N 1 apprehensiveness apprehensiveness fearfulness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 solicitude solicitude anxiety care …

    English dictionary for students