public resources
1public resources — bendrieji ištekliai statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. public resources vok. gemeinsame Ressourcen, f rus. общие ресурсы, m pranc. ressources publiques, f …
2Public art — The term public art properly refers to works of art in any media that have been planned and executed with the specific intention of being sited or staged in the physical public domain, usually outside and accessible to all. The term is especially …
3public enterprise — a business organization wholly or partly owned by the state and controlled through a public authority. Some public enterprises are placed under public ownership because, for social reasons, it is thought the service or product should be… …
4public health — public health, adj. health services to improve and protect community health, esp. sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine. [1610 20] * * * Science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through organized… …
5Public/social/private partnership — Public/social/private partnerships are methods of co operation between private and government bodies.BackgroundModels of cooperation between the market and the state: examples from AustriaThe name “public social private partnership” (PSPP) is a… …
6Public management — considers that government and non profit administration resembles private sector management in some important ways. As such, there are management tools appropriate in public and in private domains, tools that maximize efficiency and effectiveness …
7Public Utility Model — ( PUM ) EMS is an ambulance system in which the community retains public control of the ambulance system s capital assets and accounts receivable through direct, accountable daily oversight. It then subcontracts the day to day operations to an… …
8Public choice theory — Public choice in economic theory is the use of modern economic tools to study problems that are traditionally in the province of political science. (A more general term is political economy , an earlier name for economics that evokes its… …
9Public broadcasting — includes radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service. Public broadcasters receive funding from diverse sources including license fees, individual contributions, public financing and commercial… …
10Public-access television — Public access redirects here. For the film, see Public Access. For PEG cable television channels, see Public, educational, and government access. For international cable television channels, see Community television. Public access television is a …