resort to

  • 41resort — noun strike action is our last resort Syn: option, alternative, choice, possibility, hope, measure, step, recourse, expedient Phrases: resort to …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 42resort to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms resort to : present tense I/you/we/they resort to he/she/it resorts to present participle resorting to past tense resorted to past participle resorted to to do something extreme or unpleasant in order to solve …

    English dictionary

  • 43resort — I verb To frequent; to go, especially to go frequently, customarily, or usually. To have recourse; to look to for relief or help II noun Recourse; a person or thing that is looked to for help. A place of frequent assembly; a haunt. U. S. ex rel.… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 44resort — Verb: To have recourse. To turn to one for aid or assistance. To use, as to resort to arms. To go to a place, even to go once. State v Ah Sam, 15 Nev 27. A place of frequent assembly. Re Sic, 73 Cal 142, 152, 14 P 405 (place for smoking opium).… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 45resort to — phr verb Resort to is used with these nouns as the object: ↑bribery, ↑force, ↑ploy, ↑remedy, ↑rhetoric, ↑tactic, ↑terror, ↑violence …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 46Resort — Re|sort 〈[rizɔ:t] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; geh.〉 Urlaubsort, der den Bedürfnissen von Feriengästen entspricht; WintersportResort [Etym.: engl.] …

    Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • 47Resort — Re|sort [ri zɔ:t] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. resort, dies über mittelengl. zu altfr. resortir> landschaftlich u. klimatisch attraktiv gelegene Anlage für Urlauber …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 48resort — m IV, D. u, Ms. resortrcie; lm M. y 1. «wyodrębniony pod względem organizacyjnym dział gospodarki i administracji państwowej, kierowany przez członka rządu» Resort przemysłu, rolnictwa, komunikacji, kultury i sztuki, handlu. Kierownik,… …

    Słownik języka polskiego

  • 49resort to — 1》 turn to and adopt (a course of action) so as to resolve a difficult situation. → resort …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 50resort to — I don t have to resort to such underhanded tricks Syn: have recourse to, fall back on, turn to, make use of, use, employ, avail oneself of; stoop to, descend to, sink to …

    Thesaurus of popular words