1Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva , Глухов А.И. (2019)
This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fl uid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental… 1008 руб2Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva. Tutorial , Губарева Александра Евгеньевна, Глухов Александр Иванович, Голенченко Вера Александровна (2019)
This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fluid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental… 1127 руб3The Legend of Perseus: A Study of Tradition in Story Custom and Belief , Edwin Sidney Hartland (1894)
1894. This edition contains both Volume I and II of The Legend of Perseus, by the important British folklorist Hartland. Some believe his Legend ofPerseus rivaled The Golden Bough for importance at… 1318 руб4Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue , D'Avenia A. (2011)
Leo&# 232; un sedicenne come tanti: ama le chiacchiere con gli amici, il calcetto, le scorribande in motorino e vive in perfetta simbiosi con il suo iPod. Le ore passate a scuola sono uno strazio, i… 1640 руб5Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue , D`Avenia A. (2011)
Leo&232; un sedicenne come tanti: ama le chiacchiere con gli amici, il calcetto, le scorribande in motorino e vive in perfetta simbiosi con il suo iPod. Le ore passate a scuola sono uno strazio, i… 2122 грн (только Украина)6Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology II. Metagenomics in Different Habitats , Frans J. de Bruijn
The premiere two-volume reference on revelations from studying complex microbial communities in many distinct habitats Metagenomics is an emerging field that has changed the way microbiologists study… 25673.69 руб электронная книга7Forensic Chemistry Handbook , Lawrence Kobilinsky
A concise, robust introduction to the various topics covered by the discipline of forensic chemistry The Forensic Chemistry Handbook focuses on topics in each of the major chemistry-related areas of… 10692.49 руб электронная книга8Toothwear. The ABC of the Worn Dentition , Farid Khan
This is one of the first books to provide a clinically focussed account of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of all forms of toothwear. Bringing together the latest research, it is compiled by… 7103.34 руб электронная книга9Behavioral Dentistry , Farida Fortune
Behavioral Dentistry, Second Edition, surveys the vast and absorbing topic of the role of behavioral science in the study and clinical practice of dentistry. An understanding of social sciences has… 4941.42 руб электронная книга10Basic Sciences for Dental Students , Daniel Lambert W.
The‘all-in-one’ solution to mastering basic sciences in preclinical dentistry Basic Sciences for Dental Students is a cutting edge textbook specifically designed to support the needs of early… 5019.08 руб электронная книга