stable position

  • 121Maintenance philosophy — is the mix of strategies that ensure an item works as expected when needed.[1][2] Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Failure Detection 1.1.1 Conditi …


  • 122Maritime Museum (Indonesia) — Maritime Museum Museum Bahari A former storage area within the Maritime Museum (Indonesian: Museum Bahari). In the foreground is the iron hook that once supported a wooden gallery that keep the stored metals from rain. Established July 7, 1977 …


  • 123Manifesto — Manifesto …


  • 124monostable Electronics — adjective (of a circuit or device) having only one stable position or state. noun a monostable device or circuit …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 125footing — n. 1. Foothold. 2. Basis, foundation, groundwork. 3. Rank, standing, grade, state, status, condition. 4. Settlement, establishment, stable position. 5. Sum total (of a column of figures) …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 126stand|fast — «STAND FAST, FAHST», adjective, noun. –adj. that holds stubbornly to an opinion, attitude, etc.; stubborn. –n. a fixed or stable position …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 127up|set — «verb. uhp SEHT; noun. UHP SEHT; adjective. uhp SEHT, UHP SEHT», verb, set, set|ting, noun, adjective. –v.t. 1. to tip over; cause to capsize; overturn: »He upt the milk pitcher. Moving about in a boat may upset it. 2. to disturb greatly; …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 128Lake Vostok — Position des Wostoksees Der Wostoksee ist der größte von mehr als 150 bisher bekannten Seen, die sich unter dem Eispanzer der Antarktis befinden. Er liegt in einer Tiefe von 3700 bis 4100 Metern unter dem Eis in der Nähe der Position, die die… …

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