stem or culm

  • 11culm — I. noun Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century refuse coal screenings ; slack II. noun Etymology: Latin culmus stalk more at haulm Date: circa 1657 a monocotyledonous stem (as of a grass or sedge) …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 12culm — kÊŒlm n. coal waste; shale which contains much coal; stem of plants or grass …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 13culm — [kʌlm] noun the hollow stem of a grass or cereal plant, especially that bearing the flower. Origin C17: from L. culmus stalk …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 14culm — n. 1. Stalk (of corn, grasses, etc.), stem. 2. Glance coal, blind coal, hard coal, anthracite (in small particles) …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 15culm —   n. grass stem.    ♦ culminal, a …

    Dictionary of difficult words

  • 16culm — 1. n. 1 coal dust, esp. of anthracite. 2 Geol. strata under coal measures, esp. in SW England. Etymology: ME, prob. rel. to COAL 2. n. Bot. the stem of a plant, esp. of grasses. Derivatives: culmiferous adj. Etymology: L culmus stalk …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 17Phyllostachys — Taxobox name = Phyllostachys image width = 240px image caption = Phyllostachys nigra regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Poales familia = Poaceae subfamilia = Bambusoideae supertribus = Bambusodae tribus =… …


  • 18straw — I. n. 1. Stalk, stem or culm (of grain after being thrashed). 2. Fig, pin, button, rush, penny, farthing, snap. II. v. a. See strew …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 19stock — n 1. supply, store, stockpile, inventory; quantity, fund, lot, bunch, heap, pile, mass, stack, load, Chiefly U.S. Dial. grist; assortment, range, selection, variety; collection, accumulation, amassment, aggregate, Obs. commodity; reserve,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 20Bamboo — For other uses, see Bamboo (disambiguation). Bamboo plant Bamboo forest in Kyoto, Japan Scientific classification Kingdom …
