stimulating to the appetite

  • 21aperitive — I. əˈperəd.iv adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin aperitivus 1. : aperient 2. [French apéritif aperient, stimulating the appetite, from Middle French aperitif aperient] : stimulating the appetite …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 22Agouti-related peptide — Pfam box Symbol = Agouti Name = Agouti protein width =180 caption = Pfam= PF05039 InterPro= IPR007733 SMART= PROSITE= PDOC60024 SCOP = 1hyk TCDB = OPM family= OPM protein= 1mr0 PDB=PDB3|1hykA:87 122 PDB3|1mr0A:87 120 PDB3|1y7jA:80… …


  • 23Masturbation — Onanism redirects here. For the Biblical origin of the term onanism , see Onan. Gustav Klimt s Woman seated with thighs apart (1916) …


  • 24Psychology of Interest —     Psychology of Interest     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Psychology of Interest     (Lat. interest; Fr. intérêt; Germ. interesse). The mental state called interest has received much attention in recent psychological literature. This is largely… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 25insipid — insipid, vapid, flat, jejune, banal, wishy washy, inane mean devoid of qualities which give spirit, character, or substance to a thing. Something insipid is without taste, or savor, or pungency; the term is applied not only to food and drink… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 26CAMKK2 — Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase kinase 2, beta, also known as CAMKK2, is a human gene.cite journal | author = Hsu LS, Tsou AP, Chi CW, Lee CH, Chen JY | title = Cloning, expression and chromosomal localization of human Ca2+/calmodulin …


  • 27Ultradian — rhythms are recurrent periods or cycles repeated throughout a 24 hour circadian day. (In contrast, infradian rhythms have periods longer than a day, for example the human menstrual cycle.) The descriptive term ultradian is used in sleep research… …


  • 28appetizer — appetizer, hors d’oeuvre, aperitif. Appetizer is the comprehensive term denoting food or drink served in advance of a meal as a whet to the appetite; it may include cocktails and a savory tidbit served before going to the table or a first course… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 29whet — v. & n. (whetted, whetting) 1 sharpen (a scythe or other tool) by grinding. 2 stimulate (the appetite or a desire, interest, etc.). n. 1 the act or an instance of whetting. 2 a small quantity stimulating one s appetite for more. Derivatives …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 30aperitive — /euh per i tiv/, Med. adj. 1. aperient. 2. having a stimulating effect on the appetite. n. 3. an aperient. 4. an appetite stimulant. [1575 85; < ML aperitivus, var. of LL apertivus, equiv. to L apert (see APERTURE) + ivus IVE] * * * …
