stimulating to the appetite

  • 41pungent — adjective Etymology: Latin pungent , pungens, present participle of pungere to prick, sting; akin to Latin pugnus fist, pugnare to fight, Greek pygmē fist Date: 1597 1. sharply painful 2. having a stiff and sharp point < pungent leaves > 3. a.&#8230; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 42dextroamphetamine sulfate — Similar in action to racemic amphetamine sulfate, but is more stimulating to the central nervous system; sympathomimetic and appetite depressant. SYN: d amphetamine sulfate, dexamphetamine. * * * [USP] the su …

    Medical dictionary

  • 43stomachic — stomachically, adv. /stoh mak ik/, adj. Also, stomachical. 1. of or pertaining to the stomach; gastric. 2. beneficial to the stomach; stimulating gastric digestion; sharpening the appetite. n. 3. a stomachic agent or drug. [1650 60; < L&#8230; …


  • 44stomachic — sto•mach•ic [[t]stoʊˈmæk ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) anat. med of or pertaining to the stomach; gastric 2) med beneficial to the stomach; stimulating gastric digestion; sharpening the appetite 3) pha a stomachic agent or drug • Etymology: 1650–60; &LT; L&#8230; …

    From formal English to slang

  • 45stomachic — /stəˈmækɪk/ (say stuh makik) adjective 1. of or relating to the stomach; gastric. 2. beneficial to the stomach; stimulating gastric digestion; sharpening the appetite. –noun 3. a stomachic agent or drug. Also, stomachical …

  • 46strychnine — /ˈstrɪknin / (say strikneen), / nən/ (say nuhn) noun a poisonous alkaloid, C21H22N2O2, derived from nux vomica. It has a powerful stimulating effect on the central nervous system and was formerly used in small quantities to stimulate the appetite …

  • 47appetisingness — noun the property of stimulating the appetite • Syn: ↑appetizingness • Ant: ↑unappetizingness (for: ↑appetizingness) • Derivationally related forms: ↑appetising, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48appetizingness — noun the property of stimulating the appetite • Syn: ↑appetisingness • Ant: ↑unappetizingness • Derivationally related forms: ↑appetising (for: ↑appetisingness), ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 49appetizing — appetizingly, adv. /ap i tuy zing/, adj. 1. appealing to or stimulating the appetite; savory. 2. appealing; tempting. [1645 55; APPET(ITE) + IZE + ING2, as trans. of F appétissant] Syn. 1. See palatable. * * * …


  • 50bitter tonic — a tonic of bitter taste, used for stimulating the appetite and improving digestion, such as quinine, quassia, and gentian …

    Medical dictionary