strike for

  • 61strike a blow for — ► strike a blow for (or against) do something to help (or hinder) a cause, belief, or principle. Main Entry: ↑strike …

    English terms dictionary

  • 62strike oil — 1. To discover oil while boring for it 2. To find the way to success and riches • • • Main Entry: ↑oil strike oil see under ↑oil • • • Main Entry: ↑strike …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 63strike on/upon — [phrasal verb] 1 strike on/upon (something) not used in progressive tenses : to find or discover (something) especially suddenly He struck on an idea for his novel. They struck upon a salt mine. 2 be struck on Brit, i …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 64strike something from something — ˌstrike sb/sth ˈoff (sth) derived (also ˌstrike sb/sth ˈfrom sth) to remove sb/sth s name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group • Strike her name off the list. • The docto …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 65strike somebody from something — ˌstrike sb/sth ˈoff (sth) derived (also ˌstrike sb/sth ˈfrom sth) to remove sb/sth s name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group • Strike her name off the list. • The docto …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 66strike somebody off — ˌstrike sb/sth ˈoff (sth) derived (also ˌstrike sb/sth ˈfrom sth) to remove sb/sth s name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group • Strike her name off the list. • The docto …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 67strike somebody off something — ˌstrike sb/sth ˈoff (sth) derived (also ˌstrike sb/sth ˈfrom sth) to remove sb/sth s name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group • Strike her name off the list. • The docto …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 68strike something off something — ˌstrike sb/sth ˈoff (sth) derived (also ˌstrike sb/sth ˈfrom sth) to remove sb/sth s name from sth, such as the list of members of a professional group • Strike her name off the list. • The docto …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 69strike it rich — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To discover oil, or a large vein of minerals to be mined, or a buried treasure. * /The old prospector panned gold for years before he struck it rich./ 2. To become rich or successful suddenly or without expecting to. *… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 70strike it rich — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To discover oil, or a large vein of minerals to be mined, or a buried treasure. * /The old prospector panned gold for years before he struck it rich./ 2. To become rich or successful suddenly or without expecting to. *… …

    Dictionary of American idioms