tend to the advantage of

  • 41The Princess Diaries — This article is about the Meg Cabot novels. For the 2001 film, see The Princess Diaries (film). The Princess Diaries is a series of epistolary novels by Meg Cabot in the chick lit and young adult fiction genre, and the title of the first volume,… …


  • 42The Dark Energy Survey — DES logo The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a survey that aims to probe the dynamics of the expansion of the universe and the growth of large scale structure. The collaboration is composed of research institutes and universities from United… …


  • 43Decreasing graduation completion rates in the United States — The Graduation completion rate is the measure reflecting the amount of students who complete their graduation and receive a degree from an educational institution. The drop out rate is the measure reflecting the amount of students who disengage… …


  • 44History of the petroleum industry in Canada (oil sands and heavy oil) — Canada s oil sands and heavy oil resources are among the world s great petroleum deposits. They include the vast oil sands of northern Alberta, and the heavy oil reservoirs that surround the small city of Lloydminster, which sits on the border… …


  • 45Citizenship in the United States — United States citizenship confers the right to acquire a U.S. passport.[1] Citizenship in the United States is a status given to individuals that entails specific rights, duties, privileges, and benefits between the United States and the… …


  • 46First-mover advantage — is the advantage gained by the initial occupant of a market segment. This advantage may stem from the fact that the first entrant can gain control of resources that followers may not be able to match.cite book |last=Grant |first=Robert M.… …


  • 47take advantage of — phrasal 1. : to make use of for one s own benefit : use to advantage : profit by extends his examination … to take advantage of modern methods of diagnosis Morris Fishbein feels we are not taking proper advantage of our opportunity R.A.Smith 2 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48Roman army of the mid-Republic — Contemporary portrait of Scipio Africanus, engraved on a gold signet ring manufactured in Capua, S. Italy, Considered the greatest Roman military leader of the Second Punic War, Scipio permanently drove the Carthaginians out of Spain in a series… …


  • 49Alexander the Great — This article is about the ancient king of Macedon. For other uses, see Alexander the Great (disambiguation). Alexander the Great Basileus of Macedon …


  • 50On the Origin of Species — Origin of Species redirects here. For other uses, see Origin of Species (disambiguation). On the Origin of Species   …
