time of rest
1rest on one's laurels — {v. phr.} To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. * /Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels./ …
2rest on one's laurels — {v. phr.} To be satisfied with the success you have already won; stop trying to win new honors. * /Getting an A in chemistry almost caused Mike to rest on his laurels./ …
3time off — ► NOUN ▪ time for rest or recreation away from one s usual work or studies …
4time out — ► NOUN chiefly N. Amer. 1) time for rest or recreation. 2) (timeout) a brief break from play in a game or sport …
5rest — Synonyms and related words: abeyance, abide, abide in, advocate, afterglow, afterimage, allay, alpenstock, annihilation, appease, arm, arrive, ataraxia, ataraxy, athletic supporter, awful silence, axis, back, backbone, backing, balance, bandeau,… …
6time — time1 W1S1 [taım] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(minutes/hours etc)¦ 2¦(on a clock)¦ 3¦(occasion)¦ 4¦(point when something happens)¦ 5¦(period of time)¦ 6¦(available time)¦ 7 all the time 8 most of the time 9 half the time 10 at tim …
7time — n. & v. n. 1 the indefinite continued progress of existence, events, etc., in past, present, and future regarded as a whole. 2 a the progress of this as affecting persons or things (stood the test of time). b (Time) (in full Father Time) the… …
8Time-lapse — [ frame|right|The flower of a geranium opening over a period of about two hours. Consecutive frames are 7 minutes apart.] Time lapse photography is a cinematography technique whereby each film frame is captured at a rate much slower than it will… …
9time off — noun a time period when you are not required to work (Freq. 4) he requested time off to attend his grandmother s funeral • Ant: ↑work time • Hypernyms: ↑time period, ↑period of time, ↑period …
10time out — noun a pause from doing something (as work) we took a 10 minute break he took time out to recuperate • Syn: ↑respite, ↑recess, ↑break • Derivationally related forms: ↑break ( …