try one's fortune
1try one's fortune — index bet Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2try one's fortune — try one s luck, test one s chances …
3try one's luck — check to see the outcome of one s fortune …
4try — [trī] vt. tried, trying [ME trien < OFr trier < ? VL * tritare, to cull out, grind < L tritus, pp. of terere, to rub, thresh grain: see TRITE] 1. Obs. to separate; set apart 2. a) to melt or render (fat, etc.) to get (the oil) b) to… …
5fortune — n. wealth 1) to accumulate, amass, make a fortune 2) to come into, inherit a fortune 3) to dissipate, run through, squander a fortune 4) an enormous, large, vast fortune 5) a family fortune luck 6) to try one s fortune 7) the (bad; good) fortune… …
6fortune — /ˈfɔtʃən / (say fawchuhn), /ˈfɔtʃun/ (say fawchoohn) noun 1. position in life as determined by wealth: to make one s fortune; a man of fortune. 2. amount or stock of wealth. 3. great wealth; ample stock of wealth. 4. chance; luck. 5. (often… …
7Fortune-telling — is the practice of predicting the future, usually of an individual, through mystical or supernatural means and often for commercial gain. It often conflates with the religious practice known as divination.European and Euro American fortune… …
8One Tree Hill (season 8) — One Tree Hill: Season 8 DVD cover art. Country of origin United States No. of episodes …
9take one's chance — Venture, tempt fortune, try one s fortune, try one s luck …
10One Good Knight —   Author(s) …