try one's luck
1try one's luck — ( ● luck * * * I do something that involves risk or luck, hoping to succeed he thought he d try his luck at farming in Canada II see luck …
2try one's luck — ► try one s luck attempt something risky. Main Entry: ↑luck …
3try one's luck — index bet, gamble, speculate (chance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
4try one's luck — attempt something risky. → luck …
5try one's luck — check to see the outcome of one s fortune …
6try one's fortune — try one s luck, test one s chances …
7push one's luck — phrasal : to take a rash risk : venture against increasingly adverse odds pushed his luck too far when he deliberately insulted a churchman Louis Simpson * * * push one s luck (informal) To try to make too much of an advantage, risking total… …
8luck — [luk] n. [ME lucke, prob. < MDu luk, contr. < gelucke < ODu * gilukki (> Ger glück, fortune, good luck) < ? IE base * leug , to bend (> LEEK, LOCK1): basic sense “what bends together,” hence, “what occurs, what is fitting, lucky …
9luck — ► NOUN 1) success or failure apparently brought by chance. 2) chance considered as a force causing success or failure. 3) good fortune. ► VERB informal 1) (luck into/upon) chance to find or acquire. 2) (luck …
10push one's luck — If you push your luck, you try to get more than what you have already obtained and risk spoiling the situation. You ve got your father s permission to go to the concert. Don t push your luck by trying to borrow his car! …