value derived

  • 31Fact-value distinction — The fact value distinction is a concept used to distinguish between arguments which can be claimed through reason alone, and those where rationality is limited to describing a collective opinion. In another formulation, it is the distinction… …


  • 32Horse value — An equine value or horse value pertains to the assessed value of a horse in the opinion of a qualified appraiser. There are also online value calculators available, that can be an easy to use tool when used by an open and objective evaluator.… …


  • 33Conditional Value At Risk - CVaR — A risk assessment technique often used to reduce the probability a portfolio will incur large losses. This is performed by assessing the likelihood (at a specific confidence level) that a specific loss will exceed the value at risk.… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 34labour theory of value — The idea that labour is the ultimate source of all wealth a commonplace among the early political economists . Adam Smith , for example, argued that, in a market society in which workers owned their own means of production, the prices of goods… …

    Dictionary of sociology

  • 35net present value — NPV The value of an investment derived from comparisons of costs with the present value of anticipated future, incremental *cash flows. The *present value of cash flows is calculated by applying an appropriate *cost of capital rate to each… …

    Auditor's dictionary

  • 36gain derived from capital — Not a growth or increment of value in the investment; but a gain, a profit, something of exchangeable value proceeding from the property, severed from the capital, however invested or employed, and coming in, being derived, that is, received or… …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 37full cash value — For property tax purposes, that which is synonymous with market value; that estimate of value which is derived annually by the use of standard appraisal methods and techniques. Caldwell v. Department of Revenue, App., 122 Ariz. 45, 596 P.2d 45,… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 38full cash value — For property tax purposes, that which is synonymous with market value; that estimate of value which is derived annually by the use of standard appraisal methods and techniques. Caldwell v. Department of Revenue, App., 122 Ariz. 45, 596 P.2d 45,… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 39Tire derived fuel — is composed of shredded tires. Tires may be mixed with coal or other fuels such as wood to be burned in concrete kilns, power plants, or paper mills. The use of TDF for heat production is controversial due to the possibility for toxin production …


  • 40List of countries by value — This is a sortable list of countries, territories and other political entities by several values, i.e.: Left from the country names are ranks of the values displayed at the right side. Re sort the table by clicking on the boxes next to the rank… …
