1Confectionery — Con*fec tion*er*y, n. 1. Sweetmeats, in general; things prepared and sold by a confectioner; confections; candies. [1913 Webster] 2. A place where candies, sweetmeats, and similar things are made or sold. [1913 Webster] …
2confectionery — 1540s, things made or sold by a confectioner, from CONFECTION (Cf. confection) + ERY (Cf. ery). Of architectural ornamentation, from 1861 …
3confectionery — ► NOUN (pl. confectioneries) ▪ sweets and chocolates collectively …
4confectionery — [kən fek′shəner΄ē] n. pl. confectioneries 1. confections or candy, collectively 2. the business or work of a confectioner ☆ 3. a confectioner s shop; candy store …
5Confectionery — Sweets redirects here. For other uses, see Sweets (disambiguation). An arrangement of confections. Confectionery is the set of food items that are rich in sugar, any one or type of which is called a confection. Modern usage may include substances …
6confectionery — кондитерские изделия light textured confectionery взбивные кондитерские изделия bakery confectionery products мучные кондитерские изделия sugar confectionery industry кондитерская промышленность fruit confectionery плодово ягодные кондитерские… …
7confectionery — [[t]kənfe̱kʃənri, AM neri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Confectionery is sweets and chocolates. [WRITTEN] ...hand made confectionery. Syn: sweets …
8confectionery — UK [kənˈfekʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] / US [kənˈfekʃənərɪ] noun [uncountable] Word forms confectionery : singular confectionery plural confectioneries sweet foods such as sweets and chocolates …
9confectionery — noun a) Foodstuffs that taste very sweet, taken as a group; candies, sweetmeats and confections collectively. b) The business or occupation of manufacturing confectionery; the skill or work of a confectioner. Syn: candy, sweets, manufacture,… …
10Confectionery store — Freak Lunchbox candy store in Halifax, Nova Scotia A confectionery store (more commonly referred to as a sweet shop in the United Kingdom, a candy store in the North America, or a lolly shop[1] in Australia) sells confectionery and is usually… …