1lend a hand — lend (someone) a hand to help someone do something, especially something that involves physical effort. Could you lend me a hand with these books? He s always willing to lend a hand in the kitchen …
2lend a hand — lend a (helping) hand ► to do something that helps a company or person: »The Federal Reserve is expected to lend a hand by continuing to cut interest rates forcefully. Main Entry: ↑lend …
3lend a hand — lend a (helping) hand to help do something. Jay expected his children to lend a hand where they were needed …
4lend a hand — index facilitate, help, promote (organize) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
5lend a hand — HELP (OUT), give a helping hand, assist, give assistance, make a contribution, do one s bit; informal pitch in, muck in, get stuck in. → lend * * * lend a hand To give assistance • • • Main Entry: ↑hand * * * …
6lend a hand — verb To help or assist, especially voluntarily. If we all lend a hand the work will go quickly. See Also: lend an ear, lending hand …
7lend a hand — or[give a hand] also[bear a hand] {v. phr.} To give help; make yourself useful; help. * /The stage manager asked some of the boys to lend a hand with the scenery./ * /Dick saw a woman with a flat tire and offered to give her a hand with it./… …
8lend a hand — or[give a hand] also[bear a hand] {v. phr.} To give help; make yourself useful; help. * /The stage manager asked some of the boys to lend a hand with the scenery./ * /Dick saw a woman with a flat tire and offered to give her a hand with it./… …
9lend\ a\ hand — • give a hand • bear a hand v. phr. To give help; make yourself useful; help. The stage manager asked some of the boys to lend a hand with the scenery. Dick saw a woman with a flat tire and offered to give her a hand with it. Compare: lift a… …
10lend a hand — help someone, give me a hand Our neighbors lend a hand when we have too much work to do …