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iotacism — IOTACÍSM s.n. (fon.) 1. Evoluţie a unei vocale sau a unui diftong spre i. 2. Palatalizare a unei consoane sub influenţa unui iot; apariţia unui iot înaintea unei vocale anterioare la început de cuvânt sau de silabă; iotacizare. – Din fr.… … Dicționar Român
Iotacism — I*o ta*cism ([ i]*[=o] t[.a]*s[i^]z m), n. [Gr. iotakismo s a laying too much stress upon the iota ([iota]): cf. F. iotacisme. See {Iota}.] The frequent use of the sound of iota (that of English e in be), as among the modern Greeks; also,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
iotacism — [ī ōt′əsiz΄əm] n. [LL iotacismus < Gr iōtakismos] 1. in Greek, excessive use of the letter iota 2. a change, esp. in Greek, of other vowel sounds to the sound (ē) represented by this letter … English World dictionary
Iotacism — For the palatalization of certain consonants in Slavic languages, see iotation. Iotacism is the process by which a number of vowels and diphthongs in Ancient Greek converged their pronunciation to sound like iota in Modern Greek.Instances of… … Wikipedia
iotacism — См. itacismo … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
iotacism — /uy oh teuh siz euhm/, n. the conversion of other vowel sounds, esp. in Modern Greek, into /ee/, the sound of iota. [1650 60; < LL iotacismus < Gk iotakismós. See IOTA, AC, ISM] * * * … Universalium
iotacism — A speech defect marked by the frequent substitution of a long e sound (that of the Greek iota) for other vowels. [G. iota, the letter ι] * * * io·ta·cism ī ōt ə .siz əm n 1) a speech defect marked by use of the sound /e/ in place of other vowel… … Medical dictionary
iotacism — n. frequent use of the ee sound (sound made by the Greek letter iota) … English contemporary dictionary
iotacism — io·ta·cism … English syllables
iotacism — /aɪˈoʊtəsɪzəm/ (say uy ohtuhsizuhm) noun conversion of other vowel sounds into that of iota (English /i/). {Latin iōtacismus, from Greek iōtakismos} …