- raise a stink
If nothing happens when you ask nicely, raise a stink until something gets done.
Wikipedia foundation.
If nothing happens when you ask nicely, raise a stink until something gets done.
Wikipedia foundation.
raise a stink — verb take strong and forceful action, as to object or express discontent She raised hell when she found out that she wold not be hired again • Syn: ↑raise hell, ↑make a stink • Hypernyms: ↑object • Verb Frames: Somebod … Useful english dictionary
raise a stink — to complain angrily about something. Parents really should raise a stink about violence on children s TV shows … New idioms dictionary
raise a stink (about someone or something) — AND make a stink (about someone or something) tv. to make a big issue about someone or something. □ You can depend on Fred to raise a stink. □ I hope you don’t plan to make a stink about the problem … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
raise a stink — {v. phr.} To cause a disturbance; complain; protest strongly. * /Quite a stink was raised in the office when the boss discovered that several employees had left early./ … Dictionary of American idioms
raise a stink — {v. phr.} To cause a disturbance; complain; protest strongly. * /Quite a stink was raised in the office when the boss discovered that several employees had left early./ … Dictionary of American idioms
raise\ a\ stink — v. phr. To cause a disturbance; complain; protest strongly. Quite a stink was raised in the office when the boss discovered that several employees had left early … Словарь американских идиом
raise a stink — complain a lot, cause an argument or a bad scene Gunter raised a stink by accusing the chairman of stealing funds … English idioms
raise a stink — Create a scandal … A concise dictionary of English slang
raise hell — verb take strong and forceful action, as to object or express discontent (Freq. 1) She raised hell when she found out that she wold not be hired again • Syn: ↑make a stink, ↑raise a stink • Hypernyms: ↑object • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
stink — 1. in. to be repellent. □ This whole setup stinks. □ Your act stinks. Try another agent. 2. n. a commotion. (See also raise a stink (about someone or something).) □ The stink you made about money has done no good at all. You’re fired … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions