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initialize — v. t. to assign an initial value to (a variable or set of variables in a computer program); as, many bugs are caused by a failure to initialize variables. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
initialize — i‧ni‧tial‧ize [ɪˈnɪʆəlaɪz] also initialise verb [intransitive, transitive] COMPUTING 1. if a computer initializes or is initialized, certain important programs are prepared so that it can start running 2. if you initialize a disk or if a disk… … Financial and business terms
initialize — 1833, to designate by initials, from INITIAL (Cf. initial) + IZE (Cf. ize). Meaning to make ready for operation is from 1957. Related: Initialized; initializing … Etymology dictionary
initialize — (Amer.) v. set at a starting position; (Computers) erase data in preparation for use (also initialise) … English contemporary dictionary
initialize — [i nish′əl īz΄] vt. initialized, initializing Comput. to format or otherwise prepare (a disk, memory, etc.) initialization n … English World dictionary
initialize — UK [ɪˈnɪʃəlaɪz] / US [ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)lˌaɪz] verb [transitive] Word forms initialize : present tense I/you/we/they initialize he/she/it initializes present participle initializing past tense initialized past participle initialized computing to prepare a… … English dictionary
initialize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1957 to set (as a computer program counter) to a starting position, value, or configuration • initialization noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
initialize — /i nish euh luyz /, v.t., initialized, initializing. Computers. 1. to set (variables, counters, switches, etc.) to their starting values at the beginning of a program or subprogram. 2. to clear (internal memory, a disk, etc.) of previous data in… … Universalium
initialize — in|i|tial|ize [ ı nıʃl,aız ] verb transitive COMPUTING to prepare a piece of computer equipment or software for use … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
initialize — To set up either hardware or software to work correctly with your system. Many modems have to be initialized each time they are used so they know what to expect. When your software initializes your modem, it may tell the modem to expect 2400 baud … Dictionary of telecommunications