click through
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click-through — ˈclick through noun [countable, uncountable] 1. MARKETING the action or process of clicking on an advertisement on a website in order to see another website : • Search engines are able to monitor and track click throughs. 2. MARKETING another… … Financial and business terms
click-through — n an advertisement on the Internet that you can click on for more information, and which allows the advertiser to know how many people are interested enough in their advertisement to do this ▪ Click throughs are one of the standard ways to… … Dictionary of contemporary English
click-through — clickˈ through noun An instance of a visitor to a website clicking on an advertisement in order to visit the advertiser s website • • • Main Entry: ↑click … Useful english dictionary
Click-through — [dt. »Durchklicken«], Werbung im Internet … Universal-Lexikon
Click-through rate — or CTR is a way of measuring the success of an online advertising campaign. A CTR is obtained by dividing the number of users who clicked on an ad on a web page by the number of times the ad was delivered (impressions). For example, if a banner… … Wikipedia
click-through rate — UK US (also clickthrough rate) noun [C] (also click rate, ABBREVIATION CTR) ► E COMMERCE, MARKETING the number of people who click on an advertisement on a website to go to another website, compared to the total number of people who saw the… … Financial and business terms
click through (to something) — ˌclick ˈthrough (to sth) derived to visit a website by clicking on an electronic link or advertisement on another web page • You can only get that information by clicking through from the home page. Main entry: ↑clickderived … Useful english dictionary
Click-through-Rate — [Abk. CTR, dt. »Durchklickrate«], Maß für die Effizienz eines Banners bei Werbung im Internet. Die CTR ist definiert als der Quotient aus der Zahl der Mausklicks auf ein Banner und der Zahl der Abrufe dieses Banners vom Server … Universal-Lexikon
click-through rate — / klɪk θru: reɪt/ noun a method of charging an advertiser for the display of a banner advertisement on a website. Each time a visitor clicks on a displayed advertisement which links to the advertiser’s main site, the advertiser is charged a fee.… … Marketing dictionary in english
Click-Through-Rate — Die Click Through Rate (CTR) ist eine Kennzahl im Bereich Internet Marketing, welche die Anzahl der Klicks auf Werbebanner oder Sponsorenlinks im Verhältnis zu den gesamten Impressionen darstellt. Wird eine Werbung hundertmal angezeigt und dabei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Click Through Rate (CTR) — The percent of individuals viewing a Web page who click on a specific banner ad appearing on the page. Overall click through rates have declined substantially since the early days of electronic commerce on the Web … Investment dictionary