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Team Fortress 2 — (TF2) Desarrolladora(s) Valve (PC) (Xbox360) Electronic Arts (PS3) Distribuidora(s) Valve Electronic Arts Diseñador(es) Valve … Wikipedia Español
Dominance War — Dominance War международный конкурс мастеров компьютерной графики (CG). Проходит ежегодно начиная с 2006 года под руководством Фреда Хулквиста (Fredrik Hultcvist). «Моя цель превратить Dominance War в своеобразные Олимпийские игры для художников … Википедия
Plasma rifle — TOCrightPlasma rifles are theoretical weapons often used in science fiction. They are, in effect, a type of raygun. Plasma weapons use a small nuclear reactor or fuel cell or other type of advanced energy storage device to power an… … Wikipedia
Heptahedron — A heptahedron (plural: heptahedra) is a polyhedron having seven sides, or faces.A heptahedron can take a surprising number of different basic forms, or topologies. Probably most familiar are the hexagonal pyramid and the pentagonal prism. Also… … Wikipedia