- labiaplasty
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Labiaplasty — (sometimes spelled labioplasty and sometimes referred to as labia minor reduction or labial reduction) [Demand for Designer Vagina Surgery Rising in U.K. , ABC News, 2007 05 25. Retrieved on 2007 05 29] is plastic surgery of the labia majora… … Wikipedia
labiaplasty — la·bia·plas·ty (laґbe ə plas″te) plastic surgery of the labia minora, usually to reduce their size; called also labioplasty. labiaplastic adj … Medical dictionary
labiaplasty — /ˈleɪbiəplæsti/ (say laybeeuhplastee) noun plastic surgery of the labia majora and the labia minora, usually to reduce elongated folds. –labiaplastic, adjective …
Clitoral hood reduction — Clitoral hood reduction: the pre operative aspects of clitoral prepuce and labia minora hypertrophy (left), and the post operative aspects of the reduced prepuce and labia minora. (right) Clitoral hood reduction is an elective plastic surgery… … Wikipedia
Labioplastik — Verkleinerung der inneren Schamlippen: vor (links) und nach (rechts) der Operation Als Labioplastik (synonym: Labioplastie, Schamlippenplastik, Schamlippenkorrektur) werden Operationen der Plastischen Chirurgie zur Reduzierung, Modifizierung,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vaginoplasty — Vaginoplasty: the pre operative aspect (left), and the post operative aspect (right) of a labial reduction. Vaginoplasty is a reconstructive plastic surgery procedure for correcting the defects and deformities of the vaginal canal and its mucous… … Wikipedia
Perineoplasty — Perineoplasty: the pre operative aspect (left), and the post operative aspect (right) of the surgical correction of the perineum. Perineoplasty (also perineorrhaphy) denotes the plastic surgery procedures used to correct clinical conditions… … Wikipedia
Genital modification and mutilation — The terms genital modification and genital mutilation can refer to permanent or temporary changes to human sex organs. Some forms of genital alteration are performed at the behest of an adult, with their informed consent. Others are performed on… … Wikipedia
Female genital cutting — (FGC), also known as female genital mutilation (FGM), female circumcision or female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female… … Wikipedia
Vulva — Human vulva Human vulva with natural pubic hair … Wikipedia