
a) A dance that is musically similar to a mazurka, but which is danced more like a polka.
b) A dance tune in slow triple time, accented on the last beat.

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  • Polka — The polka is a fast, lively Central European dance and also a genre of dance music familiar throughout Europe and the Americas. It originated in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia and is still a common genre in Czech and Slovakian folk… …   Wikipedia

  • Mazurka — Ma|zur|ka 〈[ zụr ] f.; , s od. zur|ken [ zụr ]; Mus.〉 poln. Nationaltanz im 3/4 Takt; oV Masurka [<poln. mazurka „masurischer Tanz“] * * * Ma|zur|ka [ma zʊrka ], Masurka , die; , …ken u. s [poln. mazurek (Gen. o. Akk.: mazurka), eigtl. =… …   Universal-Lexikon

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