reparative therapy
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reparative therapy — … Useful english dictionary
Reparative Therapie — Mit den Begriffen Konversionstherapie und Reparative Therapie werden in der Ex Gay Bewegung Behandlungsverfahren bezeichnet, welche die sexuelle Orientierung von Homosexualität zur Heterosexualität hin verändern sollen. Die weltweit führenden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Conversion therapy — Conversion therapy, sometimes called reparative therapy or reorientation therapy, is one type of sexual orientation change effort that attempts to change the sexual orientation of a person from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual.[1] These… … Wikipedia
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality — Die National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (kurz: NARTH) ist eine nicht kommerzielle Vereinigung mit Sitz in Encino, Kalifornien, USA, die der Ex Gay Bewegung zugerechnet wird. Die Vereinigung betrachtet Homosexualität als … Deutsch Wikipedia
National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality — The National Association for Research Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is a non profit organization that offers reparative therapy and other regimens that purport to change the sexual orientation of individuals who experience unwanted same sex… … Wikipedia
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy — (CBT) Behavioral techniques concern activities that may be modified by reflex action without much cogitation on the part of the subject. As operant conditioning was conceived by Burrhus Frederick Skinner (1904–1990) notably in his book… … Historical dictionary of Psychiatry
conversion therapy — noun The use of psychiatric treatment to change the sexual orientation of a person; used especially as an attempt to heteronormalize homosexuals. Syn: reparative therapy … Wiktionary
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy — Drolet s 1990 Rhumart System, a PEMF device. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT), also called Pulsed Magnetic Therapy, is a reparative technique most commonly used in the field of orthopedics for the treatment of non union fractures,… … Wikipedia
Joseph Nicolosi — (born January 21, 1947) is a clinical psychologist, founder and director of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, in Encino, California, and a Past President of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). [… … Wikipedia
Terapia de reorientación sexual — La terapia de reorientación sexual (también conocida como terapia reparativa o terapia de conversión) se refiere a una serie de métodos enfocados al cambio de la orientación sexual de homosexuales y bisexuales para convertirlos en personas… … Wikipedia Español