- assimilationism
The policy or practice of the assimilation of immigrant or other minority cultures into a mainstream culture.
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assimilationism — [ə sim΄ə lā′shəniz΄əm] n. the policy of completely absorbing minority cultural groups into the main cultural body, esp. by intermarriage assimilationist n … English World dictionary
assimilationism — assimilationist, n., adj. /euh sim euh lay sheuh niz euhm/, n. the practice or policy of assimilating or encouraging the assimilation of people from all races and cultures: The family at first resisted the assimilationism of the New World. [1950… … Universalium
assimilationism — assimilationist, n., adj. /euh sim euh lay sheuh niz euhm/, n. the practice or policy of assimilating or encouraging the assimilation of people from all races and cultures: The family at first resisted the assimilationism of the New World. [1950… … Useful english dictionary
assimilationism — noun see assimilationist … New Collegiate Dictionary
assimilationism — as•sim•i•la•tion•ism [[t]əˌsɪm əˈleɪ ʃəˌnɪz əm[/t]] n. soc a policy of assimilating people from all cultures • Etymology: 1950–55 as•sim i•la′tion•ist, n. adj … From formal English to slang
HEBREW LITERATURE, MODERN — definition and scope beginnings periodization … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ZIONISM — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the word and its meaning forerunners ḤIBBAT ZION ROOTS OF ḤIBBAT ZION background to the emergence of the movement the beginnings of the movement PINSKER S AUTOEMANCIPATION settlement… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
assimilationist — noun Date: 1899 a person who advocates a policy of assimilating differing racial or cultural groups • assimilationism noun • assimilationist adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Political spectrum — A political spectrum (plural spectra) is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing independent political dimensions.Most long standing spectra include a right wing and left wing,… … Wikipedia
Multiculturalism — is the appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic make up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level, e.g. schools, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or nations. In a political context… … Wikipedia