hard sledding — or[rough sledding] or[tough sledding] {n.}, {informal} Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. * /Jane had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared./ * /When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard sledding — or[rough sledding] or[tough sledding] {n.}, {informal} Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. * /Jane had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared./ * /When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard\ sledding — • hard sledding • rough sledding • tough sledding noun informal Difficulty in succeeding or making progress. Jane had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared. When Mr. Smith started his new business, he had tough sledding … Словарь американских идиом
sledding — ☆ sledding [sled′iŋ ] n. 1. a riding or carrying on a sled 2. the condition of the ground with reference to the use of sleds: often used figuratively [the work was hard sledding] … English World dictionary
hard\ row\ to\ hoe — • hard row to hoe • tough row to hoe n. phr. A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead. Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to… … Словарь американских идиом
sledding — See: HARD SLEDDING or ROUGH SLEDDING or TOUGH SLEDDING … Dictionary of American idioms
sledding — See: HARD SLEDDING or ROUGH SLEDDING or TOUGH SLEDDING … Dictionary of American idioms
sledding — See: hard sledding or rough sledding or tough sledding … Словарь американских идиом
hard row to hoe — or[tough row to hoe] {n. phr.} A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. * /She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead./ * /Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support… … Dictionary of American idioms
hard row to hoe — or[tough row to hoe] {n. phr.} A hard life to live; a very hard job to do. * /She has a hard row to hoe with six children and her husband dead./ * /Young people without enough education will have a tough row to hoe when they have to support… … Dictionary of American idioms