- stentoriously
- adverb /stɛnˈtɔːrɪəsli/
, 1962: Stentoriously the Countess snored in her lair. — Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
Wikipedia foundation.
, 1962: Stentoriously the Countess snored in her lair. — Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
Wikipedia foundation.
stentoriously — sten·to·ri·ous·ly … English syllables
stentoriously — adverb see stentorious … Useful english dictionary
stentorious — stentoriously, adv. /sten tawr ee euhs, tohr /, adj. stentorian. [1540 50; STENTOR + IOUS] * * * … Universalium
Johnnie Walters — is a Canadian born broadcaster and television personality known for his on air improvisation and sense of humour. He is best known for his long affiliation with CKCO TV in Kitchener, Ontario.He received his training on American TV and radio,… … Wikipedia
aloud — adv 1. audibly, distinctly, plainly, clearly; loudly, loudly and clearly, Inf. out loud, with a loud voice, sonorously, resoundingly. 2. noisily, lustily, uproariously, boisterously; at the top of one s lungs, deafeningly, ear splittingly, thun… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder