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muledeer — mule deer n. A brownish gray deer (Odocoileus hemionus) of western North America, having long mulelike ears, large branching antlers in the male, and a black tipped tail. Also called black tailed deer. * * * … Universalium
defiant — adj 1. resistant, antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, hostile, pugnacious, provocative, threatening, in opposition; audacious, bold, Scot. bardy, headstrong, hard headed, devil may care, gutsy. 2. unruly, contumacious, disobedient,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Onoscèles — (Oh NOS ah clees) The onoscèles is a vampiric creature from the Greek islands that is described as looking like a beautiful woman with one leg ending in a mulelike hoof (see GREEK VAMPIRES). It lures men into secluded places so that it can attack … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
Onosceles — (Oh NOS ah clees) The onoscèles is a vampiric creature from the Greek islands that is described as looking like a beautiful woman with one leg ending in a mulelike hoof (see GREEK VAMPIRES). It lures men into secluded places so that it can attack … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology