- front foot
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
front foot — noun : a foot measured along the front of a piece of property called also foot front * * * a foot measured along the front of a lot. [1805 15, Amer.] * * * front foot, U.S. a foot in length along the front of a lot … Useful english dictionary
front foot — /frʌnt ˈfʊt/ (say frunt foot) noun 1. the foot which first moves forward in stepping forward. –phrase 2. be on the front foot, to be prepared for difficulties or challenges. 3. get onto the front foot, to secure a position of advantage. 4. play… …
Front foot contact — In the sport of cricket, front foot contact is the position of the bowler at the moment when the front foot hits the ground just prior to delivering the ball. For a right handed bowler the front foot is normally the left foot.ee also*Grip… … Wikipedia
front-foot rule — /frʌnt ˈfʊt rul/ (say frunt foot roohl) noun (in cricket) a rule stating that the front foot (or some part of the front of the bowler) must be behind the popping crease on delivery, though not necessarily on the ground. Also, front foot rule …
front foot shot — noun A shot played by the batsman with most of his weight on the front foot … Wiktionary
front foot — a foot measured along the front of a lot. [1805 15, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
front-foot rule — One by which cost of improvement is to be apportioned among several properties in proportion to their frontage on improvement and without regard to benefits conferred … Black's law dictionary
front-foot rule — One by which cost of improvement is to be apportioned among several properties in proportion to their frontage on improvement and without regard to benefits conferred … Black's law dictionary
front foot plan — A plan or method of levying local assessments for street work upon the property abutting on the portion of the street to be improved, in proportion to the length of the frontage of each lot along the improvement. Crummey v Popp, 79 Cal App 230,… … Ballentine's law dictionary
front-foot rule — noun : a method of property assessment based upon the length of frontage of the property … Useful english dictionary