- clerk
To act as a clerk, to perform the duties or functions of a clerk
The law school graduate clerked for the supreme court judge for the summer.
Wikipedia foundation.
The law school graduate clerked for the supreme court judge for the summer.
Wikipedia foundation.
clerk — 1 n 1: an official responsible (as to a court) for correspondence, records, and accounts and having specified powers or authority (as to issue writs) a city clerk clerk of court 2 a: a person employed to keep records or accounts or to perform… … Law dictionary
Clerk — (kl[ e]rk; in Eng. kl[aum]rk; 277), n. [Either OF. clerc, fr. L. clericus a priest, or AS. clerc, cleric, clerk, priest, fr. L. clericus, fr. Gr. klhriko s belonging to the clergy, fr. klh^ros lot, allotment, clergy; cf. Deut. xviii. 2. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clerk — 〈[ kla:k] od. [klœ:rk] m. 6〉 1. Gerichtsschreiber 2. Buchhalter, Handlungsgehilfe, kaufm. Angestellter 3. (niederer) Geistlicher der anglikan. Kirche [engl., „Sekretär, Buchhalter, Kontorist“] * * * Clerk [klark, engl.: klɑ:k ], der; s, s [engl.… … Universal-Lexikon
clerk — clerk·ess; clerk·ish; clerk·less; clerk; clerk·ship; clerk·ly; … English syllables
Clerk — ist der englische Begriff für einen Büroangestellten, Schriftführer oder Protokollführer bei Gericht Clerk ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexandre M. Clerk (1861–1932), kanadischer Komponist und Dirigent George Russell Clerk… … Deutsch Wikipedia
clerk — ► NOUN 1) a person employed in an office or bank to keep records or accounts and to undertake other routine administrative duties. 2) an official in charge of the records of a local council or court. 3) a senior official in Parliament. 4) a lay… … English terms dictionary
clerk|ly — «KLUR klee; British KLAHR klee», adjective, adverb. –adj. 1. of or like a clerk; clerkish. 2. of the clergy. 3. Archaic. scholarly. –adv. in the manner of a clerk. –clerk´li|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
clerk — klərk n a third or fourth year medical student undergoing clinical training in a clerkship clerk vi … Medical dictionary
Clerk — [klark, engl. klɑ:k] der; s, s <aus engl. clerk »Angestellter«, dies über fr. clerc »Schreiber, Angestellter«, eigtl. »Kleriker«, aus kirchenlat. clericus, vgl. ↑Klerikeru. Klerus>: 1. kaufmännischer Angestellter (in England od. Amerika). 2 … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
clerk — [klʉrk; ] Brit [ klärk] n. [ME < OFr & OE clerc, both < LL(Ec) clericus, a priest < Gr(Ec) klērikos, a cleric < klēros, lot, inheritance (later, from use in LXX, Deut. 18:2, of the Levites, hence the Christian clergy), orig., a shard… … English World dictionary
Clerk [1] — Clerk (engl.), 1) so v. w. Clerc, bes. 2); 2) Küster an einer englischen Universität … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon