- psychophysics
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Psychophysics — is a subdiscipline of psychology dealing with the relationship between physical stimuli and their subjective correlates, or percepts. Psychophysics has been described variously as “the scientific study of the relation between stimulus and… … Wikipedia
Psychophysics — Psy cho*phys ics, n. [Psycho + physics.] The science of the connection between nerve action and consciousness; the science which treats of the relations of the psychical and physical in their conjoint operation in man; the doctrine of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
psychophysics — [sī΄kō fiz′iks] n. [ PSYCHO + PHYSICS] the branch of psychology dealing with the functional relations between the mind and physical phenomena psychophysicist n … English World dictionary
psychophysics — psychophysical /suy koh fiz i keuhl/, psychophysic, adj. psychophysically, adv. psychophysicist /suy koh fiz euh sist/, n. /suy koh fiz iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of psychology that deals with the relationships between physical… … Universalium
psychophysics — noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1878 a branch of psychology concerned with the effect of physical processes (as intensity of stimulation) on the mental processes of an organism •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
psychophysics — The science of the relation between the physical attributes of a stimulus and the measured, quantitative attributes of the mental perception of that stimulus ( e.g., the relationship between changes in decibel level and the corresponding changes… … Medical dictionary
psychophysics — study of link between mental and physical processes Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
psychophysics — n. study of the relationship between physical stimuli and the manner in which they are perceived in the mind (Psychology) … English contemporary dictionary
psychophysics — plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of psychology concerned with the relations between physical stimuli and mental phenomena. Derivatives psychophysical adjective … English new terms dictionary
psychophysics — psy·cho·physics … English syllables