- astrochemistry
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Astrochemistry — is the study of the chemical elements found in outer space, generally on larger scales than the Solar System, particularly in molecular gas clouds, and the study of their formation, interaction and destruction. As such, it represents an overlap… … Wikipedia
astrochemistry — n. the branch of science involving astronomy and chemistry which studies the chemical composition, chemical reactions, and evolution of matter in outer space. {as tro*chem ic*al}, a. {as tro*chem ic*al*ly}, adv. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
astrochemistry — [as΄trō kem′is trē] n. the study of the chemistry of celestial bodies astrochemist n … English World dictionary
astrochemistry — astrochemija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis žvaigždžių cheminę sudėtį. atitikmenys: angl. astrochemistry rus. астрохимия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
astrochemistry — astrochemical /as troh kem i keuhl/, adj. astrochemically, adv. /as troh kem euh stree/, n. a branch of astronomy and chemistry dealing with the chemical composition and evolution of the universe and its parts. [1970 75; ASTRO + CHEMISTRY] * * * … Universalium
astrochemistry — noun the study of molecules and ions occurring in stars and interstellar space. Derivatives astrochemical adjective astrochemist noun … English new terms dictionary
astrochemistry — as·tro·chemistry … English syllables
astrochemistry — n. the study of molecules and radicals in interstellar space … Useful english dictionary
astrochemical — astrochemistry astrochemistry n. the branch of science involving astronomy and chemistry which studies the chemical composition, chemical reactions, and evolution of matter in outer space. {as tro*chem ic*al}, a. {as tro*chem ic*al*ly}, adv.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
astrochemically — astrochemistry astrochemistry n. the branch of science involving astronomy and chemistry which studies the chemical composition, chemical reactions, and evolution of matter in outer space. {as tro*chem ic*al}, a. {as tro*chem ic*al*ly}, adv.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English