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Othering — Der Begriff Othering (engl. other „andersartig“) bezeichnet die Differenzierung und Distanzierung der Gruppe, der man sich zugehörig fühlt (Eigengruppe), von anderen Gruppen. Der Begriff wurde von Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak geprägt.[1] Er hält… … Deutsch Wikipedia
othering — /ˈʌðərɪŋ/ (say udhuhring) noun 1. Psychology the creation in an individual of a sense of self as distinct from others. 2. Sociology the perception of a person or group as being fundamentally different from oneself or one s own group, particularly …
othering — … Useful english dictionary
Other — For other uses, see Other (disambiguation). The Other or Constitutive Other (also the verb othering) is a key concept in continental philosophy; it opposes the Same. The Other refers, or attempts to refer, to that which is Other than the initial… … Wikipedia
Veranderung — Der Begriff Othering (von engl. other „andersartig“) bezeichnet die Differenzierung und Distanzierung der Gruppe, der man sich zugehörig fühlt (Eigengruppe), von anderen Gruppen. Der Begriff wurde von Irit Rogoff geprägt. Er hält Einzug in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Iconicity — In functional cognitive linguistics, as well as in semiotics, iconicity is the conceived similarity or analogy between a form of a sign (linguistic or otherwise) and its meaning, as opposed to arbitrariness.Iconic principles: *Quantity principle … Wikipedia
Autoethnography — is related to ethnography, which is a recognized qualitative research method where a researcher uses participant observation and interviews in order to gain a deeper understanding of a group s culture, and can also help us to understand and/or… … Wikipedia
Apollonian and Dionysian — The Apollonian and Dionysian is a philosophical and literary concept, or dichotomy, based on certain features of ancient Greek mythology. Several Western philosophical and literary figures have invoked this dichotomy in critical and creative… … Wikipedia
Lexicalisation — In psycholinguistics lexicalisation is the process of going from meaning to sound in speech production.In the most widely accepted model, speech production, in which an underlying concept is converted into a word, is at least a two stage process … Wikipedia
Antihomosexualität — Mitglied der Westboro Baptist Church auf einer Demonstration Homophobie (von griech. ὁμός homós[1]: gleich; φόβος phóbos: Angst, Phobie) bezeichnet hauptsächlich eine soziale, gegen Lesben und Schwule gerichtete Aversion … Deutsch Wikipedia