- implicature
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Implicature — is a technical term in the pragmatics subfield of linguistics, coined by H. P. Grice, which refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though neither expressed nor strictly implied (that is, entailed) by the utterance.[1] For example, the… … Wikipedia
Implicature — conversationnelle L implicature conversationnelle est un terme de la linguistique pragmatique forgé par le philosophe Paul Grice [1], qui explique ce concept à l aide de ses maximes [2]. Elle se réfère à ce qui est suggéré ou signifié par un… … Wikipédia en Français
implicature — /im pli keuh cheuhr/, n. Philos., Ling. potential inference that is not logical entailment. Cf. conversational implicature. [IMPLICATE + URE] * * * … Universalium
implicature — Term introduced by Grice for the implications of an utterance that go beyond what is strictly implied by the content of the utterance. Thus, if I am asked what I think of my new colleague and I reply, ‘They tell me his spelling is good’, then… … Philosophy dictionary
implicature — /im pli keuh cheuhr/, n. Philos., Ling. potential inference that is not logical entailment. Cf. conversational implicature. [IMPLICATE + URE] … Useful english dictionary
Implicature conversationnelle — L implicature conversationnelle est un terme de la linguistique pragmatique forgé par le philosophe Paul Grice[1], qui explique ce concept à l aide de ses maximes [2]. Elle se réfère à ce qui est suggéré ou signifié par un locuteur, de façon… … Wikipédia en Français
implicature — [ ɪmplɪˌkətʃə, ˌkeɪtʃə] noun the action of implying a meaning beyond the literal sense of what is explicitly stated, for example saying the frame is nice and implying I don t like the picture in it … English new terms dictionary
implicature — UK [ɪmˈplɪkətʃə(r)] / US [ɪmˈplɪkətʃər] noun [uncountable] formal 1) the act of suggesting that something is true, although you do not say it directly 2) something that you suggest is true, although you do not say it directly … English dictionary
implicature — /ˈɪmplɪkeɪtʃə/ (say implikaytchuh) noun Logic the relationship between two statements whereby one suggests the other but does not require it, as in Mary had a baby and got married in which one assumes that Mary got married because of the baby.… …
conversational implicature — See implicature … Philosophy dictionary