- rod for one's back
The means of ones own punishment or downfall.
"Silcote, you are making a rod for your back in your treatment of that child. Shell live to break your heart for you."
Wikipedia foundation.
"Silcote, you are making a rod for your back in your treatment of that child. Shell live to break your heart for you."
Wikipedia foundation.
make a rod for one's own back — ► make a rod for one s own back do something likely to cause difficulties for oneself later. Main Entry: ↑rod … English terms dictionary
make a rod for one's own back — To do something that will cause problems for oneself at a later date • • • Main Entry: ↑rod … Useful english dictionary
make a rod for one's own back — do something likely to cause difficulties for oneself later. → rod … English new terms dictionary
rod — ► NOUN 1) a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal. 2) a fishing rod. 3) a slender straight stick or shoot growing on or cut from a tree or bush. 4) (the rod) the use of a stick for caning or flogging. 5) Anatomy one of two types of light … English terms dictionary
rod — noun 1》 a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal. 2》 a fishing rod. 3》 a slender straight stick or shoot growing on or cut from a tree or bush. ↘(the rod) the use of a stick for caning or flogging. 4》 historical, chiefly Brit. another … English new terms dictionary
rod — /rɒd / (say rod) noun 1. a stick, wand, staff, shaft, or the like, of wood, metal, or other material. 2. a straight, slender shoot or stem of any woody plant, whether growing upon or cut from the plant. 3. a pole used in angling or fishing. 4. a… …
rod — n. 1 a slender straight bar esp. of wood or metal. 2 this as a symbol of office. 3 a a stick or bundle of twigs used in caning or flogging. b (prec. by the) the use of this. 4 a = fishing rod. b an angler using a rod. 5 a a slender straight round … Useful english dictionary
One Tree Hill (season 7) — One Tree Hill: Season 7 One Tree Hill Season 7 DVD Cover Country of origin … Wikipedia
One Voice: Greatest Hits — One Voice: The Greatest Hits Greatest hits album by John Farnham Released … Wikipedia
One Voice: The Greatest Clips — Video by John Farnham Released … Wikipedia