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holographical — adj. written in the handwriting of the author … English contemporary dictionary
holographical — hol·o·graph·i·cal … English syllables
holographical — adjective written entirely in one s own hand holographic document • Syn: ↑holographic • Pertains to noun: ↑holograph, ↑holograph (for: ↑holographic) * * * … Useful english dictionary
holographic — adjective 1. of or relating to holography or holograms • Pertains to noun: ↑holography 2. written entirely in one s own hand holographic document • Syn: ↑holographical • Pertains to noun: ↑holograph … Useful english dictionary
holograph — holograph1 /hol euh graf , grahf , hoh leuh /, adj. 1. Also, holographic /hol euh graf ik, hoh leuh /, holographical. wholly written by the person in whose name it appears: a holograph letter. n. 2. a holograph writing, as a deed, will, or letter … Universalium