- Counter-Reformation
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Counter-Reformation — [kount΄ər ref΄ər mā′shən] n. the reform movement in the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th cent., following the Protestant Reformation and in answer to it * * * or Catholic Reformation In Roman Catholicism, efforts in the 16th and early 17th… … Universalium
Counter Reformation — 1840, from COUNTER (Cf. counter ) + REFORMATION (Cf. Reformation) … Etymology dictionary
Counter-Reformation — [kount΄ər ref΄ər mā′shən] n. the reform movement in the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th cent., following the Protestant Reformation and in answer to it … English World dictionary
Counter-Reformation — Main articles: History of Christianity and History of the Catholic Church The Vulgata The council then went on to cite Sacred Tradition in support of the Vulgate s The Counter Reformation (also the Catholic Revival[1] or Catholic Reformation)… … Wikipedia
Counter Reformation — noun the reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected); many leaders were Jesuits • Hypernyms: ↑religious movement * * * the movement… … Useful english dictionary
Counter-Reformation — n. 1 (Counter Reformation) hist. the reform of the Church of Rome in the 16th and 17th centuries which took place in response to the Protestant Reformation. 2 a reformation running counter to another … Useful english dictionary
Counter-reformation — A movement set off by the Catholic Church to curtail the spread of Protestantism that was threatening its power. Though the official launching of the Counter Reformation took place at the Council of Trent, convoked in 1545 by Pope Paul III,… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
Counter-Reformation — This term is used to describe the comprehensive response of the Roman Catholic Church to theProtestant Reformation. The Counter Reformation found theological expression at the Council of Trent (1545 1563) and was a major influence in the… … Glossary of theological terms
Counter-Reformation, The — • Denotes the period of Catholic revival from the pontificate of Pope Pius IV in 1560 to the close of the Thirty Years War, 1648 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
counter-reformation — /ˌkaʊntə rɛfəˈmeɪʃən/ (say .kowntuh refuh mayshuhn) noun a reformation opposed to or counteracting a previous reformation …
Counter Reformation — the movement within the Roman Catholic Church that followed the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. * * * … Universalium