
adjective /fəˈniːmɪk/
a) relating to phonemes

Weve finished our phonemic analysis and were ready to move on to morphology.

b) relating to a difference between sounds that can change the meaning of words in a language

Tone is phonemic in Chinese.

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  • phonemic — 1933, from PHONEME (Cf. phoneme) + IC (Cf. ic) …   Etymology dictionary

  • phonemic — [fō nē′mik, fənē′mik] adj. 1. of, characterized by, or based on phonemes 2. of phonemics phonemically adv. phonemiazation n. phonemicize vt. phonemicized, phonemicizing …   English World dictionary

  • phonemic — phonemically, adv. /feuh nee mik, foh /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to phonemes: a phonemic system. 2. of or pertaining to phonemics. 3. concerning or involving the discrimination of distinctive speech elements of a language: a phonemic contrast.… …   Universalium

  • phonemic — pho•ne•mic [[t]fəˈni mɪk, foʊ [/t]] adj. 1) phn of or pertaining to phonemes: a phonemic system[/ex] 2) phn of or pertaining to phonemics 3) phn concerning or involving the discrimination of distinctive speech elements of a language: a phonemic… …   From formal English to slang

  • phonemic — /fəˈnimɪk/ (say fuh neemik) adjective 1. of or relating to phonemes: a phonemic system. 2. of or relating to phonemics; concerning or involving the discrimination of distinctive speech sounds: a phonemic contrast. –phonemically, adverb …  

  • phonemic — I adjective of or relating to phonemes of a particular language (Freq. 4) phonemic analysis • Pertains to noun: ↑phoneme • Derivationally related forms: ↑phoneme II adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • Phonemic differentiation — is the phenomenon of a language maximizing the acoustic distance between its phonemes, presumably to minimize the possibility of misunderstanding. Examples For example, in many languages, including English, most front vowels are unrounded, while… …   Wikipedia

  • Phonemic awareness — is a subset of phonological awareness in which listeners are able to hear, identify and manipulate phonemes, the smallest units of sound that can differentiate meaning. Separating the spoken word cat into three distinct phonemes, /k/, /æ/, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Phonemic Distortion — is the practice of using words whose phonemes, when used together, mean something entirely different to the original sentence. The original sentence often means nothing at all. This is why it is particularly useful in ciphers and other tools of… …   Wikipedia

  • Phonemic orthography — A phonemic orthography is a writing system where the written graphemes correspond to phonemes, the spoken sounds of the language. These are sometimes termed true alphabets, but non alphabetic writing systems like syllabaries can be phonemic as… …   Wikipedia

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