Brit milah — Halakhic texts relating to this article: Torah: Genesis 17:1 14 … Wikipedia
izmêsti — mêtem tudi mêdem dov., izmêtel in izmétel izmêtla tudi izmêdel in izmédel izmêdla, stil. izmèl izmêla (é) z ometanjem, pometanjem odstraniti: izmesti saje iz dimnika / redko izmesti ogorke izpod mize pomesti … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
BENVENISTE — (also Bienveniste, Benvist, Abenbenist, etc.), personal name and surname of a widespread Sephardi family. The name originated in Spain and Provence and means welcome. It is first mentioned in documents from Barcelona in 1079. After the expulsion… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
WRITING — (Scripts, Materials, and Inscriptions). SCRIPTS AND MATERIALS General Survey From the end of the third millennium B.C.E., the art of writing was practiced in the ancient Near East (see alphabet ). Here, the pictographic, cuneiform, and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism