- Central European Time
the time of day in the time zone that encompasses many countries in Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and North Africa.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Central European Time — Time zones of Europe: blue Western European Time (UTC+0) Western European Summer Time (UTC+01:00) light blue … Wikipedia
Central European Time — noun One of the standard times used in Europe, being 1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (abbrev CET) • • • Main Entry: ↑centre * * * ˌCentral Euroˈpean Time 7 [Central European Time] noun … Useful english dictionary
Central European Time — Europäische Zeitzonen: blau Westeuropäische Zeit (= UTC) rot … Deutsch Wikipedia
Central European Time — ( CET) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The legal standard time of many Central European countries applied during the winter, where the standard time equals the Coordinated Universal Time + 1 hour. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement… … Financial and business terms
Central European Time — Heure normale d Europe centrale Fuseau horaire en Europe: bleu WET UTC+0 WEST … Wikipédia en Français
Central european time — Heure normale d Europe centrale Fuseau horaire en Europe: bleu WET UTC+0 WEST … Wikipédia en Français
Central European Time — (CET) The legal standard time of many Central European countries applied during the winter, where the standard time equals the Coordinated Universal Time + 1 hour … Euroclear glossary
Central European Time — time zone used by most countries in mainland Europe (1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time), CET … English contemporary dictionary
Central Standard Time — Weltkarte mit Zeitzonen Eine Zeitzone ist ein Abschnitt der Erdoberfläche, auf dem zu einem gegebenen Zeitpunkt dieselbe Uhrzeit und dasselbe Datum gelten. Bei der Bildung der Zeitzonen besteht das Bestreben, einerseits den Tag am Gang der Sonne… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Central European Time — … Википедия