
The symbol , a reversed lunate sigma.

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  • Antisigma — Antisigma, a reversed lunate sigma, encoded at U+03FD (unicode|Ͻ) may represent an editorial sign introduced by Aristarchus of Samothrace for pre Classical Greek, used like a dotted lunate sigma (sigma periestigmenon, encoded at U+03FE unicode|Ͼ) …   Wikipedia

  • antisigma — ⇒ANTISIGMA, subst. masc. PHILOL. et PALÉOGR. Lettre ayant la forme d un sigma majuscule renversé, utilisé dans les manuscrits de poésie par les commentateurs grecs comme signe de l interversion. Rem. Attesté ds la plupart des dict. gén. du XIXe… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ANTISIGMA — Isidoro Origin. l. 1. c. 20. una est e notis sententiarum, quae ponitur ad eos versus, quorum ordo permutandus est, sicut et in antiquis auctoribus postium invenitur. Antisigma cum puncto, ponitur in iis locis, ubi in eodem sensu duplices versus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Antisigma — Antisigma, d.i. umgekehrtes Sigma Ɔ, 1) eine kritische Note, zum Zeichen, daß Verse versetzt werden müssen; mit einem Punkte in der Mitte (Ɔ) deutet es an, daß, wo Stellen von gleichem Sinne sich finden, die echte sich nicht mit Sicherheit… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Antisigma — (griech.), umgekehrtes Sigma (Ɔ), krit. Zeichen dafür, daß Verse an falscher Stelle stehen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • antisigma — (an ti si gma) s. m. Terme de paléographie. Sigle , correspondant à un C inversé, indiquant qu il faut changer l ordre des vers devant lesquels il est placé.    Antisigma ponctué , sigle indiquant qu entre vers dont le sens est le même, on ne… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research — The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR ( ru. Объединённый институт ядерных исследований, ОИЯИ) in Dubna, Moscow Oblast (120 km north of Moscow), Russia is an international research centre for nuclear sciences, involving around 5500 staff… …   Wikipedia

  • Open O — (majuscule: Ɔ, minuscule: ɔ) is a letter of the extended Latin alphabet. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, it represents the open mid back rounded vowel. It is used in the orthographies of many African languages using the African reference… …   Wikipedia

  • Sampi — This article is about the letter. For other uses, see Sampi (disambiguation). Greek alphabet Αα …   Wikipedia

  • Claudian letters — The Claudian letters were developed by, and named after, the Roman Emperor Claudius (reigned 41–54). He introduced three new letters: a reversed C (antisigma) to replace BS and PS, much like X stood in for CS and GS. The appearance of this letter …   Wikipedia

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