clothes shop
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clothes — W2S2 [kləuðz, kləuz US klouðz, klouz] n [plural] [: Old English; Origin: clathas, plural of clath; CLOTH] the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm ▪ I enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes. ▪ What sort of clothes was he wearing … Dictionary of contemporary English
Shop — Wall Street jargon for a firm. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. shop shop 1 [ʆɒp ǁ ʆɑːp] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a building or part of a building where goods are sold to the public; … Financial and business terms
shop — Wall Street slang for a firm. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. shop shop 1 [ʆɒp ǁ ʆɑːp] noun [countable] 1. COMMERCE a building or part of a building where goods are sold to the public; … Financial and business terms
clothes*/*/*/ — [kləʊðz] noun [plural] shirts, dresses, trousers, and other things that you wear a pile of dirty clothes[/ex] a clothes shop[/ex] I m going to put on some clean clothes.[/ex] Why don t you take those wet clothes off?[/ex] • ■ Clothes is a general … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
shop — /ʃɒp/ noun 1. a place where goods are stored and sold ● a computer shop ● an electrical goods shop ● She has bought a shoe shop in the centre of town. ● All the shops in the centre of town close on Sundays. ● She opened a women’s clothes shop. 2 … Marketing dictionary in english
shop — /ʃɒp/ noun 1. a retail outlet where goods of a certain type are sold ● a computer shop ● an electrical goods shop ● All the shops in the centre of town close on Sundays. ● She opened a women’s clothes shop. 2. a workshop, the place in a factory… … Dictionary of banking and finance
clothes — noun (plural) the things that people wear to cover their body or keep warm: I need some new clothes. | work/school clothes (=clothes suitable for work or school) USAGE NOTE: CLOTHES WORD CHOICE: clothes, clothing, piece/item of clothing, garment … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
clothes — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ beautiful, elegant, fancy, fine, lovely, nice, pretty ▪ cheap, expensive ▪ … Collocations dictionary
shop — 1 noun 1 PLACE WHERE YOU BUY THINGS (C) a) BrE a building or part of a building where things are sold to the public; store AmE: The shops in town close at 5.30. | toy shop/pet shop etc: Have you seen that new shoe shop? b) a small shop that sells … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
shop — 1. noun /ʃɒp,ʃɑp/ a) An establishment that sells goods or services to the public; originally a physical location, but now a virtual establishment as well. b) A place where things are crafted; a workshop or hobbyshop. Syn: boutique, retail outlet … Wiktionary