- intrapreneurship
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Intrapreneurship — (der Begriff setzt sich zusammen aus den beiden englischen Wörtern Intracorporate und Entrepreneurship ) bzw. Binnenunternehmertum bezeichnet das unternehmerische Verhalten von Mitarbeitern in Unternehmen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Intrapreneurship — is the practice of using entrepreneurial skills without taking on the risks or accountability associated with entrepreneurial activities. It is practiced by employees within an established organization using a systemised business model. Employees … Wikipedia
intrapreneurship — intrapreneur in‧tra‧pre‧neur [ˌɪntrəprəˈnɜː ǁ ˈnɜːr] noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES someone who works for an organization, but outside the usual management structure, and who develops new products and activities. If successful, a new activity… … Financial and business terms
Intrapreneurship — Acting like an entrepreneur within a larger organization. The term is derived from a combination of intra or internal, and entrepreneurship. Intraprenuers are usually highly self motivated, proactive and action oriented people who are comfortable … Investment dictionary
Intrapreneurship — ⇡ New Venture Management … Lexikon der Economics
intrapreneurship — n. encouragement of innovation and entrepreneurism within an existing company or organization … English contemporary dictionary
Intrapreneurship — In|t|ra|pre|neur|ship [ɪntraprə nø:ɐ̯ʃɪp ], die; , s oder das; [s], s <englisch> (von Unternehmergeist geprägtes Handeln in der Mitarbeiterschaft; vgl. Entrepreneurship) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Intrapreneur — Intrapreneurship (der Begriff setzt sich zusammen aus den beiden englischen Wörtern Intracorporate und Entrepreneur ) bzw. Binnenunternehmertum bezeichnet das unternehmerische Verhalten von Mitarbeitern in Unternehmen und öffentlichen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
intrapreneur — intrapreneurship, n. /in treuh preuh nerr , noor , nyoor /, n. an employee of a large corporation who is given freedom and financial support to create new products, services, systems, etc., and does not have to follow the corporation s usual… … Universalium
Intrepreneur — An intrepreneur is a person who has an entrepreneur skill set but works within an organisation, enterprise, or venture. This could be within an organisation that seeks the dynamisism of forward thinking employees or incubation… … Wikipedia