brown bag

brown bag
1. noun
A short presentation or seminar on a given subject, especially one given at lunchtime.

Did you attend the brown bag Tuesday on healthy exercise habits?

2. verb
To carry ones lunch from home, as in a bag, rather than purchase it from a cafeteria or restaurant.

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  • brown-bag — brown bagger, n. /brown bag /, v., brown bagged, brown bagging, adj. v.t. 1. to bring (one s own liquor) to a restaurant or club, esp. one that has no liquor license. 2. to bring (one s lunch) to work or elsewhere, usually in a small brown paper… …   Universalium

  • brown-bag — brown ,bag verb intransitive AMERICAN INFORMAL 1. ) to bring your lunch with you to work or school, usually in a brown paper bag: brown bag it: I usually eat in the cafeteria but I m brown bagging it today. 2. ) to bring your own alcoholic drinks …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • brown-bag — brown′ bag′ v. t. bagged, bag•ging 1) cvb to bring (one s own liquor) to a restaurant, esp. one that has no liquor license 2) cvb to bring (one s lunch) to work usu. in a brown paper bag brown′ bag′ger, n …   From formal English to slang

  • brown-bag — ☆ brown bag [broun′bag΄ ] vt., vi. brown bagged, brown bagging 1. to carry (one s lunch) to work or school, as in a brown paper bag 2. to bring (one s own liquor) into a restaurant, nightclub, etc. which is not permitted to sell liquor but may… …   English World dictionary

  • brown-bag — brown bagging taking your own food, usually in a brown paper bag, to eat in the middle of the day when you are not at home. We had our meeting over a brown bag lunch. (always before noun) …   New idioms dictionary

  • brown-bag — verb or adjective see brown bagging * * * brown bagger, n. /brown bag /, v., brown bagged, brown bagging, adj. v.t. 1. to bring (one s own liquor) to a restaurant or club, esp. one that has no liquor license. 2. to bring (one s lunch) to work or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • brown-bag — 1. n. a bag lunch. □ Bring a brown bag, and we’ll talk and eat at the same time. □ I lost my brown bag, but I’ll come to talk anyway. 2. in. to carry a bag lunch. □ He’s back to brown bagging while he saves up for his vacation …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Brown-bag — Als Brownbag Sitzung (engl. brown bag, dt. braune Tüte) bezeichnet man eine Trainings oder Informationsveranstaltung, während der die Zuhörer Speisen und Getränke einnehmen können. Ziel ist die Nutzung von regulären Pausen, z. B. der Mittagspause …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Brown bag — Als Brownbag Sitzung (engl. brown bag, dt. braune Tüte) bezeichnet man eine Trainings oder Informationsveranstaltung, während der die Zuhörer Speisen und Getränke einnehmen können. Ziel ist die Nutzung von regulären Pausen, z. B. der Mittagspause …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • brown bag — 1. n. a bag made of opaque brown paper ■ a bag of such a kind in which a lunch is packed and carried to work, school, or informal functions [as adj.] a brown bag lunch 2. v. [trans.] brown bag it take a packed lunch to work or school no school… …   Useful english dictionary

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