alpha channel

alpha channel
In computer graphics, a numerical value specifying a level of translucency to be applied to a colour.

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  • Alpha Channel — Der Alphakanal oder α Kanal ist ein zusätzlicher Kanal, der in Rastergrafiken zusätzlich zu den Farbinformationen die Transparenz (Durchsichtigkeit) der einzelnen Pixel (Bildpunkte) speichert. Die Darstellung eines Bildes mit Alphakanal auf einem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • alpha channel — alfa kanalas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Vaizdo elemento bitai papildomai informacijai, nesusijusiai su spalva, apibūdinti. Alfa kanalu dažniausiai nusakomas elemento skaidrumas. Paprastai prie 24 bitų (trijų kanalų po 8 bitus… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Alpha channel — PP A channel in an image or movie clip that controls the opacity region …   Audio and video glossary

  • Alpha — may refer to:The Greek letter alphaAlpha (letter), a letter in the Greek alphabet. α may be used as the symbol for: *Alpha channel, describing transparency and opacity in computer graphics *Angle of attack in aerodynamics *Common base current… …   Wikipedia

  • Alpha mapping — is a technique in 3D computer graphics where an image is mapped (assigned) to a 3D object, and designates certain areas of the object to be transparent or translucent. The transparency can vary in strength, based on the image texture, which can… …   Wikipedia

  • Alpha compositing — This image s alpha channel falls off to zero at its base. A checkered backdrop is often used to signal transparency. In computer graphics, alpha compositing is the process of combining an image with a background to create the appearance of… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel (digital image) — Color digital images are made of pixels, and pixels are made of combinations of primary colors. A channel in this context is the grayscale image of the same size as a color image, made of just one of these primary colors. For instance, an image… …   Wikipedia

  • Alpha-Kanal — Der Alphakanal oder α Kanal ist ein zusätzlicher Kanal, der in Rastergrafiken zusätzlich zu den Farbinformationen die Transparenz (Durchsichtigkeit) der einzelnen Pixel (Bildpunkte) speichert. Die Darstellung eines Bildes mit Alphakanal auf einem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alpha Compositing — VP The process of combining an image with a background to create the appearance of partial transparency. An alpha channel is used extensively when combining computer rendered image elements with live footage …   Audio and video glossary

  • Alpha Mom (TV) — Alpha Mom is a 2006 television show about a working mom who is trying to balance her job, children and her stay at home husband.There is an Alpha Mom cable channel and website and a television pilot titled Alphamom slated for NBC s 2006 07 season …   Wikipedia

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