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Mohammedanism — Mo*ham med*an*ism, Mohammedism Mo*ham med*ism , prop. n. The religion, or doctrines and precepts, of Mohammed, contained in the Koran; Islamism; Islam. The term {Islam} is preferred by most Moslems, and some find the term Mohammedanism to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mohammedanism — [mō ham′i dən iz΄əm] n. ISLAM: term used, esp. formerly, by non Muslims … English World dictionary
Mohammedanism — noun see Mohammedan … New Collegiate Dictionary
Mohammedanism — /moo ham i dn iz euhm, moh /, n. Muhammadanism; Islam. [MOHAMMEDAN + ISM] * * * … Universalium
MOHAMMEDANISM — the religion of MOHAMMED or ISLAM, (q.v.) is essentially much the same as the religion of the Jews with some elements borrowed from the Christian religion, and is defined by Carlyle as a bastard Christianity; originating in Arabia it spread … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Mohammedanism — Mo|ham|me|dan|is|m a word meaning the Islamic religion, now considered offensive by most Muslims … Dictionary of contemporary English
mohammedanism — n. Islam, monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which are written out in the Koran; body of Muslim believers, Muslims; Muslim world … English contemporary dictionary
mohammedanism — n. Mahometanism, Islamism, Islam … New dictionary of synonyms
Mohammedanism — verb (T) a word meaning the Muslim religion, now considered offensive by most Muslims; Islam … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
mohammedanism — mo·ham·med·an·ism … English syllables