- bonded labour
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bonded labour — ˌbonded ˈlabour 8 [bonded labour bonded labourer] (especially US ˌbonded ˈlabor) noun uncountable forced work for an employer for a fixed time without being paid, often as a way o … Useful english dictionary
bonded labour — See patron client relationship … Dictionary of sociology
bonded labor — noun a practice in which employers give high interest loans to workers whose entire families then labor at low wages to pay off the debt; the practice is illegal in the United States • Hypernyms: ↑bondage, ↑slavery, ↑thrall, ↑thralldom, ↑thraldom … Useful english dictionary
Labour in India — India s labour force exhibits extremes ranging from large numbers of illiterate workers unaccustomed to machinery or routine, to a sizable pool of highly educated scientists, technicians, and engineers, capable of working anywhere in the world. A … Wikipedia
Labour law — concerns the inequality of bargaining power between employers and workers. Labour law (also called labor law or employment law) is the body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on,… … Wikipedia
Labour — [ Charles Sprague Pearce (1896).] Labour or labor may refer to:* Work of any kind * Wage labour, in which a worker sells their labour and the employer buys it * Manual labour, physical work done by people * Childbirth, especially from the start… … Wikipedia
Child labour in India — Young boy stacking plates in Bangalore The problem of child labor exploitation is a major challenge to the progress of developing countries. Children that are very young work at the cost of their right to education which leaves them permanently… … Wikipedia
Unfree labour — includes all forms of slavery as well as all other related institutions (e.g. debt slavery, wage slavery, serfdom, conscription, and labour camps).[not verified in body] Contents 1 Payment for unfree labour … Wikipedia
Child labour in Pakistan — This article discusses the situation of child labour in Pakistan. Contents 1 Child Labor In Pakistan 2 Situation of Child Labor In Pakistan 3 Government Policies on Child Labour … Wikipedia
International Labour Organization — ILO redirects here. For other uses, see ILO (disambiguation). International Labour Organization Organisation internationale du Travail Organización Internacional del Trabajo … Wikipedia